Monday, May 11, 2009

Radical Self-Care - Physical Aspects

Physical self-care seems self-explanatory, and it probably is, but it is also easily overlooked in a busy day. Yep, I said 'day' b/c taking care of ourselves needs to be a daily occurrence, not something we tend to only weekly or quarterly.

Here are some ways to think about taking daily physical care of yourself:

*Get at least 8 hours of sleep

*Eat your fruits & vegetables

*Drink plenty of water, before you feel thirsty

*Move your body in a way that is fun and feels good

*Rub good smelling lotion on your body

*While rubbing the lotion, tell you arms, legs, etc. how much you appreciate all they do for    you

*Do your Daily Energy Routine

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Greetings, Extraordinary Women Who Take Such Good Care of Themselves!

Thank you again for participating in the Day of Radical Self Care. We had a blast, and we hope that you did, too.

Here are the links we promised to send you:

This blog, but of course, you are already here. The link is www.circleofextraordinarywomen. Please post your Radical Self Care intentions in the comments. You can also post your wins, struggles and questions if you like.

Gary Craig's EFT site: . There is a free manual you can download with EFT instructions.

Donna Eden's Energy Medicine site: . You can also watch a video of Donna reviewing the Daily Energy Routine.

The more you practice EFT, the easier and quicker the process will be. We use it for acute symptoms (headaches, menstrual cramps, anxiety and such) as they occur. For more chronic things like nearsightedness, money issues, weight stuff, long term career goals, etc., Annie taps before meditating. After meditating, she goes straight into the Daily Energy Routine. Marcia taps in the shower. Find a time and place that work for you.

As with EFT, the more you do the energy routine, the more natural it becomes and the quicker it flows. It is easy to come home from a day like the Day of Radical Self-Care and feel good, but then forget to do the things that help you continue to feel that way. Don't let that happen to you! Jump right into these new habits while they're still fresh on your mind. And don't hesitate to contact us or to post on the blog if you have questions.

We will post on the blog about once a week. If you like, you can subscribe in the box to the left and each new post will show up in your email inbox. Isn't technology grand?

Take radical care of YOU!
Marcia and Annie