Even if you block it, or soft pedal it, or just don’t recognize it, your natural power is alive in you.
The knowledge of who you are and your ability to impact our own experience,
To influence others,
And to make a difference in the world around you…
That knowledge is your birthright.
Only you have the power to keeping yourself from using that power.
Each chakra or energy center is the home for a different aspect of your power. In our meditation on Saturday, we visited each center and gathered a circle of symbols or touchstones for accessing your power in each center. Here’s a reminder to job your memory:
The floor of your core: This is where your sense of power has roots. It is grounded here in the knowledge that you belong.
Gut: The power of your creativity resides here. Fan the flames of creativity from here.
Belly button or diaphragm: This center fuels your sense of identity and purpose. Allow yourself to grasp more fully who you are and what you are about in this life.
Heart: The center of connection to yourself and others. This opens up your power to love yourself and others without reservation, without conditions, without giving yourself away.
Throat. Your power to express yourself and be heard sits here. You have the power to use your voice as soothing music or strident warning as the situation requires.
3rd eye, in the middle of your forehead: This is the center of compassionate wisdom, supported by all that sits beneath it.
Top of your head. Here is the center of your power that comes from your connection with your Source. With Spirit. With That Which Gives You Life. Your awareness of that connection can be ignored, buried under busy-ness, fear, or arrogance, but it can never be severed. As you are, It Is.
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